Punzal Vision
September 2, 2024

15th Annual Kaua’i Marathon

Team Punzal Vision Kauai Marathon

On Sunday, September 1st, Team Punzal Vision participated in the 15th Annual Kaua’i Marathon!

This year our fearless leader, Brity, and one of our Optician’s, Keahi, represented Punzal Vision in the Kaua’i Half Marathon.

They ran their hearts out & sat at a well-deserved brunch afterwards!

Punzal Vision aid station Kauai Marathon

Punzal Vision also had an aid station for our second year in a row; lead by Dr. Punzal, Sage, Steph, Lehua, Kalena, Daisy, & Jaymee. Dr. Punzal is recovering from foot surgery & is expected to be in next year’s race!

Punzal Vision aid station at Kauai Marathon Labor Day 2024

Participating in community events such as this brings our team closer together, so that we can all work together to provide better care for our patients!

Mahalo Kaua’i Marathon for hosting this event and allowing us to come back to support everyone with our aid station!

Brity & Keahi finishing the Kauai Marathon

We hope everyone enjoyed themselves as much as we did and get to enjoy and have a safe Labor Day weekend.

We'll SEE you all at the finish line next year!

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