Punzal Vision cares. We are here and ready to help.
During this time of uncertainty, it is our priority to continue providing care for our patients and island community. The overall health of your eyes, prescription glasses and contact lenses remain an essential part of life and everyday visual needs.
We are very cautious and aware when it comes to our patient scheduling- to ensure compliance with Kupuna hours and social-distancing guidelines.
As protocol to the COVID-19 pandemic, we screen all scheduled patients with these two questions:
1) Have you traveled outer island/state within the past 14 days?
2) Are you or any of your household members experiencing flu like symptoms?
If you answer yes to either or both of these questions, we kindly ask for your understanding to reschedule your appointment 14 days out from your original appointment.
Staff member, Kahelena Degracia, continues to go above and beyond as our Safety and Hygiene Management Officer.
She thoroughly sanitizes all equipment, machines, and any other objects patients come into contact with throughout the day. Upon entering and exiting our office, we ask everyone to utilize the hand sanitizer at the front desk.
With the checkpoints set up throughout the island to enforce the stay-at-home order, we will give you a letter of documentation stating that Punzal Vision provided essential services to you (for an appointment or to pick up glasses or contact lenses).
If you have unanswered questions, please don’t hesitate to call or text our office phone 808-278-8383 or email punzalvision@punzalvision.com.
We know you have a lot to take care of, so let us take care of your eyes.
We’ll get through this together.