We asked each Punzal Vision employee to say what they love/appreciate most about their dad, and/or their favorite memory of their dad. Here’s what they had to say:
Dr. Punzal- I appreciate that my father is very knowledgeable about everyday life necessities. He can cook, he can fix things, and he can kill centipedes. My fondest memory was during a brisk and beautiful Saturday morning when I greeted him while he practiced his golf swing out in the yard. I said, “Good morning father! Would you like to talk about anything?” and he responded, “Yes, I’d like to talk about how I want to talk to you later.” as he walked away from me. I chuckled and thought to myself, “wow, that was clever!” and sat in the yard alone, wishing he was next to me.
Brity- I love and appreciate my Dad’s unconditional love & support. He always trusts and supports me in all of my life decisions.
Pua- This is the first Father’s Day since my dad’s passing, so it is a little difficult. My dad was the most forgiving person I have ever known, with the biggest heart. The impact he had on me was huge, and I have so many fond memories of him, and I am so appreciative of all that he did for our family and the community. One of his most significant roles was “Papa.” I had my first child, Dylan, when I was 21 years old. After three daughters and five granddaughters, he was so thrilled to have the first boy in the family. While I worked, my dad did everything with Dylan. He took him to school at Kamehameha Preschool, volunteered at the school, and took him for weekly visits to Pizza Hut and Fun Factory. As my dad’s Alzheimer’s disease progressed, he always seemed to remember Dylan. While I miss my dad so much, I am so grateful that he got to meet all five of my children, and I am comforted by all of the special memories I have of him.
Tianne- The thing I love and appreciate most about my dad is that he taught me the importance of laughter. Finding the fun and comedy in situations that most people wouldn’t, is what I admire most about him. Whenever I’m with him, it’s always a good time!
Karl- The one thing that I love about my dad is his ability to calm down crazy situations with his sternness.
Lehua- Getting lost at Disneyland with my Dad when I was about 7 for many hours while my mom and sister (Pua) went crazy looking for us. They eventually found us cruising at the hotel room eating snacks and watching tv. He bought me a Mickey Mouse balloon and we secretly loved our little adventure. He ALWAYS knew how to turn a “not so good situation” into a fun adventure. I loved that about him.
Kahe- My favorite memory with my dad is when I was little and he started to take my brother and I fishing at Ahukini. I caught my first fish, which was a Hinulea, and my dad took a photo of me and we had it for dinner. That photo will always make me smile
Casey- I appreciate how humble my dad can be about things and every memory I have with him is my favorite.
Shaylyn- I appreciate that he always washes my car
And my favorite memory is doing a bunch of races with him and eating lots of food afterwards.