Can’t stop won’t stop! The Kaua’i cup may be over but the fitness will continue. With up coming endurance events, Dr. Punzal is determined to stay consistent with his training routine. Five days out of the week Dr. Punzal wakes up at 3am and heads straight for the gym. Before the sun rises, he has already completed his strength/weight and mobility workouts with light cardio. Why so early you ask? Well, the daddy duties don’t stop either. Early morning workouts ensure an adequate amount of time for Dr. Punzal and Brity to get their girls ready in the morning before they start their work day. Nutrition and fitness go hand and hand with one another and it is important for Dr. Punzal to keep his body properly fueled. With a crazy schedule, meal preps are a lifesaver. The love for fitness has become contagious among the Punzal Vision Team. We strive to portray a strong emphasis on health as we all make it a point to incorporate exercise into our daily lifestyle. Yay for fitness and exercise! Woo!