Punzal Vision
May 24, 2020

Over the Counter Vitamins and Healthy Foods for Healthy Eyes

Foods that are healthy for our eyes.

Just as we purchase supplements that benefit certain parts of the body, you can also purchase eye specific vitamins promoting eye health. Here is a list of over the counter vitamins we recommend for all patients to incorporate in your daily routine:

Vitamin A– maintains a clear cornea.

Vitamin C and E– powerful antioxidants protecting your eyes against damaging free radicals.

Lutein and Zeaxanthin– found in the macula and retina, they help filter potentially harmful blue UV light. May also help to prevent cataracts or slow the progression of Macular Degeneration.

Ocuvite– Aids in nourishing the eye’s natural filter and contains seven vital eye nutrients

PreserVision– A combination of vitamins and minerals to help reduce the risk of progression of Macular Degeneration.

Here’s a list of foods that contain a combination of the nutrients and vitamins listed above:

1) Oily fish
2) Green Leafy Vegetables
3) Nuts, Seeds, and Legumes
4) Carrots
5) Beef
6) Eggs
7) Citrus Fruits
8) Dairy Products
9) Potatoes

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