Punzal Vision
May 20, 2024

May is the American Optometric Association's Healthy Vision Month!

AOA Healthy Vision Month (May)

As we celebrate Healthy Vision Month, it's the perfect opportunity to focus on proper eye care and eye health.

Our eyes play a crucial role in our daily lives, whether it's reading, driving, working, or being able to fully enjoy your surroundings.

Maintaining healthy eyes ensures that you are able to participate and serve in all areas of your life, as you age.

To help you keep your eyes healthy and support the longevity of your vision, here are 3 Quick Tips to protect and enhance your vision:

1. Protect Your Eyes

Remember to wear protective eyewear during sports and activities that pose a risk of eye injury, and always wear sunglasses to shield your eyes from harmful UV rays when spending time outdoors. We live in a beautiful climate, with plenty of outdoor activities, so remember to take care of your eyes when having fun in the sun!

2. Rest Your Eyes

Many of us spend long hours in front of screens each day, whether it be for work, managing daily activities and communications, or browsing social media. Remember to give your eyes regular breaks! Also, consider wearing blue light blocking glasses for screen time after dark!

3. Healthy Diet & Lifestyle

Lifestyle and diet play a huge role in our overall health. Incorporate a variety of fruits and vegetables into your diet, especially those rich in vitamins A, C, and E. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish, nuts, and seeds, can be beneficial in preventing some age-related vision issues.

Lastly, remember to Schedule a Comprehensive Eye Examination!

Routine eye exams are vital for maintaining optimal eye health as they allow your eye doctor to provide the best possible care and detect early signs of eye diseases or other conditions that could impact your vision.

Give us a Call at (808) 278-8383 or click the link below to Schedule An Appointment online!

We look forward to SEEing you soon!

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