Punzal Vision
March 7, 2022

Save Your Vision Month

Pua of Punzal Vision attending to a patient.

This month is 'Save Your Vision' Month! So, in the spirit of keeping your eyes healthy we remind you to prioritize your health and your vision by scheduling a comprehensive eye examination with Punzal Vision. 

The past few years have thrown everyone’s routines and schedules for a loop! Although health has been a priority, the pandemic may have caused you to let some of your regularly scheduled health examinations or in-person doctor’s appointments go unattended to. 

Now that we are back on track, its time to Save Your Vision and tend to your overall health and the health of your eyes as a priority! Remember, that healthy vision leads to a healthy and happy future!

To see Dr. Punzal for an in-person eye examination, simply Schedule an Appointment today by Calling Us at (808) 278-8383 or by clicking the button below and visiting our online scheduling portal!

We hope to SEE you soon! 

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