Punzal Vision
August 5, 2024

The Importance of Eye Exams for Back-to-School Readiness

Kauai Family Eye Doctor

As children advance in their education, the demands on their visual abilities increase.

Textbook print sizes decrease and reading and studying time grows, placing more strain on their eyes.

Children’s vision can change frequently during school years, so it is important to prioritize scheduling an eye exam with an optometrist as part of your back-to-school routine.

Healthy vision is linked to success in academics and beyond. Vision problems can impact various aspects of a child’s development, including academics, sports, social interactions, and self-esteem.

Without comprehensive eye exams, many vision issues may go undetected or be mis-diagnosed as other conditions. Passing a school screening doesn’t rule out focusing, tracking, or coordination problems.

Fortunately, there is an easy way to ensure your child has good vision and healthy eyes: schedule a comprehensive eye exam with your optometrist.

Give Us a Call at (808) 278-8383 or click the link below to Schedule An Appointment online, and one of our friendly and professional staff will assist you with getting your keiki scheduled for a Comprehensive Annual Eye Examination!

We hope to SEE you soon!

The Importance of Eye Exams for Back- to-School Readiness

Click here see our full feature in the Fall Edition of Kaua'i Family Magazine!

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