According to the World Health Organization, Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness in the world with more than 120,000 Americans living blind as a result. Scary stuff, right? Since you may have never heard about Glaucoma before, we are going to help you understand a bit more about what it is, how it can be treated, and you how can detect it before it’s too late.
Glaucoma is a serious disease that damages the optic nerve in your eye. With pressure that increases inside your eyeball, loss of eyesight begins to occur – potentially leading to full blindness. You may think that is something that you can only get when you are older, but actually it can affect anyone: babies, young adults, and people of all ethnic backgrounds. The most common type of Glaucoma (open-angle) is hereditary, so if you are diagnosed with it, you’ll have your genetics to thank for that 1-in-4 chance.
Many people who have Glaucoma don’t know that they do, since there are no early symptoms or associated pain in the most common form of Glaucoma. In fact, out of the estimated 3,000,000+ Americans that have the disease, only half of them are aware of it. If you start to experience peripheral or side vision loss, then this could be a sign that you have Glaucoma. Other signs of the disease include tunnel vision, eye pain, and seeing circles around lights. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s best to see your optometrist right away.
While there is no cure (yet) for Glaucoma, loss of vision can be stopped through use of eye drops or surgery. If the disease is not diagnosed and left untreated, then there is a risk that you could go completely blind within just a few years. Although lost vision can not be reclaimed, it is possible to preserve the sight that you do have. Take care of your eyes today and they will continue to take care of you.
If you start to experience any of the common symptoms of Glaucoma, then you should immediately make an appointment with an eye care provider such as an optometrist. The earlier the disease is picked up, the better chance you have of maintaining your vision as you grow older. Even if you don’t have any symptoms, we recommend that you have an annual checkup -especially if you are over 40 and have a family history of the disease. This will keep your worries at bay and ensure that you have the best possible chance of fighting the disease – should you be diagnosed.
If you think that you may have symptoms of Glaucoma or if you would like to schedule an full comprehensive eye examination to clear your eye health – give us a call, or click the button below to schedule an appointment with Dr. Punzal.
We look forward to SEEing you soon!